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Holly Peyser

Formal Education:

Bachelor of Business Administration, St. Mary's College (Notre Dame, Indiana)
MA Geography- International Trade, SUNY Buffalo
MS Education- Elementary Education, Canisius College

Amateur Achievements:

USFS Gold Medalist- Figures, Freestyle
USFS Pre-Silver Medalist in Dance
CFSA Gold Medalist in Figures, Freestyle
USFS Senior National Champion- Synchronized Skating
Competitive skater for 15+ years

Professional Achievements:

Attended various PSA seminars throughout the country

Coaching Experience:

Coach at North Atlantic Regional Championships
Coach at the Eastern Sectional Synchronized Skating Championships
Extensive off ice training in ballet, jazz, strength and conditioning
Coach for hundreds of skaters in WNY, Virginia and Indiana. Taught at Ken-Ton Skating Club,
Buffalo Skating Club, Amherst Skating Club, SC of Western New York, Hampton Roads Ice Plex, Skate Nation Plus, and Mishawaka Skating Club.

Personal Message:

"I work with each skater to help them achieve their goals through hard work and discipline."


Katie and Jason Mussachio:
Joe Petri:

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